During a career change, cultural arts can invigorate you (songs, books, poems, films, paintings, dance).

Try these tunes:

Here comes the Sun (Beatles)

Changes (David Bowie)

Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson)

Reach (Gloria Estefan)

What a Wonderful World (Louis Armstrong)

Working Again (Michael Stanley Band)

Don’t Worry, Be Happy (Bobby McFerrin)

Purpose (Avenue Q theater)

Lose Yourself (Eminem)

I’m Coming Out (Diana Ross)

Change the World (Eric Clapton)

Movin’ on up (The Jefferson’s TV theme)

A Pirate looks at Forty (Jimmy Buffet)

What arts make you upbeat?  Forward to tim@timconway.co

Suggestions:  when moving ahead while making a career change, inform supporters of progress; reward yourself (healthy snack, museum tour).

Note:  10% of our fees are donated to Posse Foundation (https://www.possefoundation.org/) for tuition of First Generation college students.